SYNTECH offers a wide product range for its customers including compact, double and Central-Mix Concrete Batching Plants along with concrete block machine, concrete recycling plants, asphalt mixing plant and stabilised soil batching plant.
We are able to produce a lineup of highly functional and durable cement mixers. Built with expertise from decades of experience, constructed with high-tensile Hardox tehnology steel for endurance and resistance to friction .

With the success of our concrete mixer trucks, we embarked in the designing and building of concrete batching plants. When standard imported plants could not meet Resource Development Corporation’s (RDC) requirements for a cement batching plant, we were commissioned to design and build a 90 cu metre per hour dry batching plant for them.
Our engineers collaborated with RDC with a design built to their needs. And in recognition for our quality product and services, RDC awarded us with an order for a second plant the following year.